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PCI Compliance

What is it?

PCI DSS compliance software is a must-have for any organization that handles credit card data or other types of payment card data. Failure to comply can result in PCI DSS penalties and fines imposed daily, and a data breach resulting from non-compliance could cost millions in settlements, legal fees, and loss of reputation.

Many IT security teams struggle to meet the many security technology requirements defined by PCI DSS 3.2. It can be difficult to know which security tools you need to achieve PCI DSS compliance and it doesn’t help that organisations are often racing to get ready for their next, fast-approaching audit.

B2B Cyber Security London IT Consultants CSAAS UK Services
B2B Cyber Security London IT Consultants CSAAS UK Services

How does it work?

CSaaS will deliver everything you need to get ready for your next PCI DSS audit including asset discovery, vulnerability assessment, log management, file integrity monitoring, and others. It also provides predefined compliance reports and automatic threat intelligence updates, helping you to stay in compliance with continuous security monitoring.

You can centralize monitoring of all you’re on-premises, AWS or Azure cloud, and cloud applications, helping you to achieve PCI DSS compliance faster and ensure continuous security and compliance monitoring of all your environments giving you the assurance you need.